4 Things You Should Know About Having a Voiceover in an Explainer Video

Hasil gambar untuk voiceover in explainer video 

After script and storyboard, voiceover is one of the important components in creating an explainer video. Voiceover is very worthwhile for delivering messages of products or services through a narration that explains the visuals. Even so, in some cases, subtitle is more preferable because the use of voiceover is sometimes considered noisy and annoying.
Besides prioritizing the animation and visualization, an explainer video using voiceover can also enhance the interest of the audience or customer. Using the right voiceover will answer the questions about "What is this video about? What product or service is this? Should I watch this video?".
There are 4 things you should know about having a voiceover in an explainer video. That's what I want to share with you right here.

1. Voiceover skills can be trained. There are many training medias available that can help
There are some people who are born with unique and beautiful voices and aspire to be voice talent, but what about the others? Not only need a good voice, being a voice talent is a skill that can be trained with some training that will form a certain character. Being a professional voice talent needs to practice regularly and consistently. You can use several applications to support your training, such as Audio Evolution Mobile Studio and DubMe.

2. Age can affect the type of your voice
As we get older, the voice produced will turn lower because the body will naturally lose muscle mass, the mucous membranes will thin out and dry out. Aging also occurs in the larynx which eventually becomes the main cause of voice changes in old age.

3. Every explainer video has a different voice character
Every explainer video that explains about different products or services will have a different voiceover too. Voice talent will adjust the character of each video that the storyboard has made. In some cases, each voice talent fills sound on various videos that have the same character as the talent character. Other talents can make their voices in more than one or even as many characters as needed.

4. You can learn from experts or famous voice talent
Training to become a professional voice talent can be done by learning from experts. This can make voice talents able to see their strengths and weaknesses and can develop their ability to become more professional. We've written up a list of voice talents (https://breadnbeyond.com/voice-talents/) that you can use to learn to become professional voice talent.


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